EDN: How NoCs Ace Power Management and Functional Safety in SoCs

Madelyn Miller, 2021年09月15日

Benoit de Lescure, CTO at Arteris IP authors this 3rd article in a new series for EDN:

How NoCs Ace Power Management and Functional Safety in SoCs

September 15th, 2021 – By Benoit de Lescure

The NoC interconnect is the SoC architecture.

This third article highlights how NoC technology provides capabilities like power management and functional safety that are not possible with older crossbar-based interconnect technologies. For design teams creating modern SoCs, whether large datacenter AI accelerators or power-sipping IoT sensors, NoC interconnect technology is key to implementing these SoC architectures and optimizing the dataflow within them.

To catch up on the first and second articles in this series, click below:

To read the entire EDN article, please click here:https://www.edn.com/how-nocs-ace-power-management-and-functional-safety-in-socs/

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