ADAS Tech Talk Video has 16,000+ views

Kurt Shuler, 2019年01月25日

I’m glad folks have found it useful!


When Ed first approached me about doing these videos a few years ago I was quite skeptical. It’s hard for me to sit through a video myself (I’m the worst husband in the world with the Xfinity remote. If I think I can complete a speaker’s sentence and know what they are going to say, then I hit that 30-second skip button, often repeatedly. I know I’m the world’s most annoying TV viewing partner, so I’m sorry, you-know-who.)

Ed’s approach to these videos is actually innovative and leads to more of a Q&A experience rather than a dry lecture. I think it’s because there’s limited preparation and the video subject doesn’t know the exact questions, just the general topic, and Ed bases his follow-on questions on the subject’s explanations. So when I finally looked at the videos (I never watched them prior to this week!) I found them to be more informative and less boring than I expected.

Here’s some other Tech Talk videos that may be interesting. And yes, that’s my real hair.

ISO 26262 Drilldown


What is SOTIF?


ISO 26262:2018 2nd Edition


AI Training Chips


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