Semiconductor Engineering: Racing To The Edge

Madelyn Miller, 2019年04月09日

Racing To The Edge

April 9th, 2019 – By Susan Rambo and Ed Sperling

The race is on to win a piece of the edge despite the fact that there is no consistent definition of where the edge begins and ends or how the various pieces will be integrated or ultimately tested.

Safety lives at the edge
“The edge includes a lot of the stuff where people are most concerned about things that can kill you, like cars and robots and medical devices,” said Kurt Shuler, vice president of Arteris IP. “These things can kill you two ways. One is a cosmic ray and the traditional functional safety use case, where it flips a bit and then it goes awry. The other way is everything works as intended, however what it does and what it decides to do from its neural net application is the wrong thing. There’s not a cosmic ray. There’s not a hardware safety problem. The safety of the intended function is bad. (There is a new specification out for that, ISO/PAS 21448:2019 Road Vehicles — Safety of the Intended Functionality.)”

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